by Lingoda Team
Updated on January 10, 2024
Every October, we resign ourselves to the fact that winter is on the way, especially when the clocks go back. The end of daylight savings for the year. We hide ourselves away with our hot chocolates, fluffy socks, and box sets and hibernate until the spring.
Often we forget that with the clocks going back, we have a whole extra hour for one day. A full hour to do whatever we like! So what are you going to do with that time?
Well, you could have an extra hour in bed, or have a long, lazy breakfast (we recommend a full English breakfast), or you could simply waste the time mindlessly scrolling through social media.
But imagine how satisfied you’ll feel if you get up at the same time as usual and do something productive with your extra hour. Even better, imagine what you would do if you had that extra hour every day and it transformed your life?
Learning a language opens the door to a new career, friendships, and even the chance to live and work in another country. Imagine learning German and then moving to the cultural melting pot of Berlin, or spending an hour each day practising business English and gaining that all important promotion you deserve.
The health benefits of getting up early, exercise and healthy eating have been proven. Well, guess what? Learning a language is also good for your well-being! Multi-linguists are higher earners, tend to be more open-minded and better at solving problems and adapting to change. Learning a language also forces to you to concentrate, focus and live in the moment. It’s a deeply mindful experience in a world of constant distractions. What’s an hour a day when you could significantly improve your confidence and well-being? Not to mention opening doors to new careers and travel opportunities.
So, let’s cut to the chase! We all know we waste the odd hour here there doing silly things, or spiralling into Facebook oblivion. You could technically save an hour everyday if you cut out some of these time wasters: