Build your confidence in our interactive classes. Practice real-world language for everyday situations with our dedicated teachers.
Learn Italian in our live, online classes available 24/7, with structured curriculums and professional teachers.
Build your confidence in our interactive classes. Practice real-world language for everyday situations with our dedicated teachers.
With a maximum of only 6 students, we offer the smallest classes in the market, so you’ll always have time to practice speaking.
Prepare before class or revise what you’ve just learned with our unique and personalised self-learning and practice tools.
Hear how our students transformed their first language steps into life-changing moments. Let their stories motivate you to get your own language wins.
Each course is divided into specific learning levels. Currently we only teach A1.1 in Italian.
Find out your level in 5 minutes
Take our placement testWe don’t teach Italian from a textbook. With our own, expert curriculum, we teach you to speak Italian like a local.
Learn Italian for everyday situations, including accents, expressions and humour. You’ll quickly feel comfortable speaking, so you can effortlessly fit in, understand locals talking on the Metro and be able to binge the latest Italian show on Netflix!
Your teachers will help you stay motivated and give you individual feedback so you can grow in a safe and supportive environment.
Peek inside a class, discover how to book a lesson and what extra studying opportunities there are for you.
As a Lingoda student, you can download the class materials for free and use them at any time. After your class, you will also find a quiz to help you refresh and practice your new skills. There are also downloadable exercises available. All materials are uniquely created by Lingoda experts to align with CEFR standards. If you want to learn more about CEFR, read more here.
After scheduling a class on our platform, you will be able to join the class with 2-4 fellow students from around the world. The teacher will introduce themselves and begin teaching the lesson using learning materials that you can download at the end of class. You will be able to interact with the teacher and other students, but there is no pressure to do so. Towards the end of class, the teacher will recap the lesson and ensure everybody has understood the lesson. Both group and private classes are very effective with Lingoda, but it depends on your personal preferences what you’d like to do.
No, we are not a language learning app. We are an online language school. And like any school, we offer live classes with certified, native-speaking teachers. At Lingoda, we believe that nothing can replace live interaction and customised feedback from a real person.
Preparing to learn English online with us is simple. You need three things: a stable internet connection, a computer and the free video conferencing tool Zoom.
It depends. As is the case when learning any new skill, your progress depends on your efforts. If you would like to learn English online quickly, then we suggest that you make language learning a consistent habit. Also focus and participate in class and complete the downloadable materials at the end of each class for best results. It also depends on which of Lingoda’s online English language courses you choose, as some of our plans are more intensive than others.
Lingoda is a good place to start if you’d like to learn Italian. There are two main methods to learning any language: a) working with a teacher in a group or individual class or b) self-study, using books, online resources and apps. No matter which path you choose to learn Italian, practising is important. the more time you invest, the quicker you will learn. Learning a language has four main elements: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In order to learn a language well or to become fluent, it’s a good idea to cover all of those four elements.
Working with a teacher provides a structure for language learning and a step-by-step process. This is particularly useful as a beginner learner, as your teacher will be able to guide you based on your language level and learning style. With individual feedback, you also avoid mistakes and progress more quickly.
For self-study, there is a wealth of knowledge online about how to learn Italian and what resources to use. Many language apps help you practice vocabulary and reading.
With Lingoda, you have access to an entire section of self-learning tools, like quizzes, flashcards and exercises to keep learning outside of class.
Everybody learns differently! There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to learning Italian; it depends on the time you invest. Italian is a romance language derived from Latin. English speakers sometimes find Italian tricky as the grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary are not as similar. However, this has not stopped millions of English speakers from learning Italian! It’s all about studying consistently and getting as much speaking practice as you can.
With Lingoda’s structured curriculum, you always have a guide to follow and to progress your skills.
Italian online classes are group classes with 3 to 5 students on the same learning level as you. Depending on the course you follow, you can either choose the classes yourself from Lingoda’s structured curriculum with Lingoda Flex, or even get all your classes booked for you with the same team and teachers if you choose Lingoda Teams. If you’re really up for a challenge, Lingoda Sprint will boost your progress when you take your classes daily or every other day. For extra motivation, with Sprint, you can earn a juicy reward of 50% cashback or class credits at the end.
No matter what you choose, you’ll always learn with expertly designed lesson material and in a class structure that invites every student to speak and get feedback. Your teachers will mainly speak the learning language in class, so you get comfortable with the language fast.
At the moment, Lingoda only offers Italian for Beginners at level A1.1. In the future we will add more levels, so you can continue progressing in Italian.
You can sign up for our mailing list here to get notified once we launch Italian for other levels.
Lingoda teachers all language based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Each level has sub-levels. A1 contains A1.1 and A1.2, for example, and each sub-level can be completed with approximately 50 classes.
Lingoda offers a placement test to find out your language level in only 5 minutes. As Lingoda is currently only offering Italian for beginners at A1.1 level, the classes are good for anyone who has no or very little knowledge of Italian.
Lingoda’s curriculum is designed by language experts and gives you guidance and structure for your learning.
All lessons are based on topics around real-world language, so you can use your fresh language skills from the first day.
You also can see how many classes are in each level, which ones you already have taken and which ones you should take next. You can download all class materials in advance, so you can prepare for class or revise afterwards.